Collin's school holds an annual Christmas luncheon for all the teachers and staff on the last day before break. They request parent volunteers come to the school to watch over the classes while the teachers are at the luncheon. Of course, I volunteered not really considering what I was getting myself into.
It sank in at approximately the time I walked through the school doors that day. I do a lot of volunteering at the school and each time I am there I walk out thinking there is NO WAY I could do what those teachers do...especially the Kindergarten teachers. Somehow they manage to make order of chaos and I really am in awe of what they do. The panic set in when I received my assignment of the Kindergarten classroom. Dear Jesus what have I done?!?
So I realized that the thought of being in charge of 30 Christmas crazed Kindergartners at one time scared the holy hell out of me! There were 2 other parents assigned with me and it still scared me! Mrs.Johnson swore she put the fear of God in them that they better listen. Her last words were don't worry you'll be fine...just don't let any of them get out of the room.
Holy crap! There are 3 doors in that classroom and 3 parents! One goes to the 1st grade classroom, one to the hall and one OUTSIDE!! OMG each one of us needs to take a door and guard it with our lives! As I watched the three teachers walk out and the door close behind them, the room suddenly became very small, and loud, and CRAZY! Mrs. Wilson, can you help me with this, Mrs. Wilson, can you open this, Mrs. Wilson, he won't share, Mrs. Wilson I want to play with that, Mrs. Wilson I had an accident, Mrs. Wilson, I'm going to throw up, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Wilson...Mrs. Wilson? I want to curl up in a ball in the corner and bang my head on the wall until it's over!!
Not 5 minutes passed and I swore I saw the hall door open and a little head slip out into the hallway. Yep, one escaped already! Next tragedy, we didn't let the "song leader" start the song and she cried hysterically for 20 minutes. Then we went out of order and had the "packers" get their lunches before we said grace. It was pure anarchy! Thirty 5-6 year old yelling at us, telling us every little thing we did wrong-which by the way was everything. They were running everywhere like little mice! Calgon take me away!
On top of that it was pouring down rain so recess was supposed to be in the classroom. GREAT! Maybe they won't notice if I slip out now? Then the plan changed again! Buddy the elf, I mean the principal dressed as Buddy the Elf came in and told the Kindergartners to go to the gym for recess.
Oh boy! We didn't have the kids clean the classroom before lunch since we thought they were coming back for recess. The teachers would be back after recess so we had no time to clean the classroom. Our total lack of control would be evident to the teachers and they would probably lose their lunch walking back into that hell hole! Oh no!